MTCA.4 Data Acquisition Sub-system, 12-Channel 16-bit, 125 MSPS
- Complete Data Acquisition sub-system
- Supported by DAQ Series™ data acquisition software
- Twelve channel ADC 16-bit @ 125 MSPS using AD9653
- Dual DAC 16-bit @ 250 MSPS using MAX5878
- Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA XC7K410T with 2 GB of DDR3 memory
- Double module, mid-size (full-size optional) AMC and RTM, compliant to μTCA.4
- Internal or external clock, Trig in/out configurable by software
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The DAQ523 is a digitizer sub-system in MTCA.4 form factor, comprising an FPGA AMC, an ADC rear transition module, and full software/firmware complete with DMA engine and EPICS support. The equipment can be operated from a simple user-level API, via a development API, or via EPICS. The user interface is consistent with other VadaTech data acquisition products.
The high sample rate, 16-bit digitisation and MTCA.4 form factor make this sub-system ideal for research and industrial applications. The dual channel DAC, driven from the onboard Kintex FPGA, can be used to implement low-latency feedback for HWIL (hardware in the loop) test applications.
An RS-232 port is also available from the FPGA if the customer desires to implement a soft-processorin the FPGA and utilize a serial console, and quad SFP+ ports are available on the front panel (these require user firmware development).
The MRT523 is capable of accepting user-designed mezzanine modules for sensor inputdirect to the chassis. This allows users to match the analog front end to specific projectrequirements. Contact VadaTech sales for details.
Key Features
- Complete Data Acquisition sub-system
- Supported by DAQ Series™ data acquisition software
- Twelve channel ADC 16-bit @ 125 MSPS using AD9653
- Dual DAC 16-bit @ 250 MSPS using MAX5878
- Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA XC7K410T with 2 GB of DDR3 memory
- Double module, mid-size (full-size optional) AMC and RTM, compliant to μTCA.4
- Internal or external clock, Trig in/out configurable by software
- Complete integrated solution with EPICS support and example GUI
- High performance ADC/DAC sub-system with Kintex-7 FPGA
- Comprehensive driver support
- Customizable analog front end
- Electrical, mechanical, software, and system-level expertise in house
- Full system supply from industry leader
- AS9100 and ISO9001 certified company
Block diagram

Block diagram

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