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add to compareThe VT819 is the ideal MTCA.4 Development Platform. The low-cost unit offers two AMCslot, an integrated MCH and a managed Layer two GbE Switch. The double module AMCsmeet the MTCA.4 specification for applications that require rear I/O and signal conditioning.
The Module routes TCLKA/B/C/D as well CLK3 as 100Mhz HCSL.
Power Supplies
The VT819 uses a removable 400W AC power supply. It is located in the rear of the chassis.
The VT819 has an intelligent Cooling Unit. The cooling airflow is from right to left. Theremovable air filter has an optical switch to detect its presence and can be monitored forwhen it needs to be replaced.
There are temperature sensors in the chassis that monitor the intake and the outtake airtemperature throughout the chassis.
VadaTech’s Scorpionware software can be used to access information about the currentstate of the Shelf or the Carrier, obtain information such as the FRU population, or monitoralarms, power management, current sensor values, and the overall health of the Shelf. Thesoftware GUI is very powerful, providing a Virtual Carrier and FRU construct for a simple,effective interface.
There is an optional JTAG Switch Module to provide JTAG access to the front.